SAT 고득점을 목표하고 있다면 '수학'은 간과할 수 없는 과목입니다. 그러나 SAT Math는 대수학부터 상위 레벨 수학까지 출제 범위도 넓은 데다, 문제해결력, 데이터 분석력, 학부 진학 후의 학업 수행 역량을 평가하기 때문에 호락호락하지 않은 영역입니다. 그 때문에 고득점을 확보하려면 반드시 전략적인 공부 계획과 올바른 학습 방법을 선택해야 합니다.
OSP에서 수많은 고득점자를 배출해온 Jungin Jo 선생님은 SAT Math 고득점을 확보하기 위해 여름 방학 전략이 중요하다고 말합니다. Mathematics & Science Specialist가 소개하는 여름 방학 Math 공부 전략을 바탕으로 현명하고 알찬 방학 계획을 세워 보시기 바랍니다.
Why students should spend this summer vacation productively?
Summer is a great time to focus on the SAT Test because students typically have more time on their hands. Because students have school work, sports, and other extracurricular activities, it is difficult to spend time on SAT prep during the school year, and preparation for the SAT Test takes time. In order to achieve a satisfactory score on the SAT, students need to devote enough time to preparation. It is up to them to decide whether they want to spend their summer wisely.
Tips to help you strategically prepare for the SAT Math test
The SAT is a standardized test that is designed to test overall knowledge and skills. Although it is possible to see a significant improvement in a short span of time, it is also very easy to be overwhelmed and discouraged. Instead of judging their achievement by a narrow view of progress, finding their own pace and putting a consistent effort is the key to improve. Before finding a way to improve one’s SAT score, I believe it is more important to work hard in high school classes and solidify overall understanding of math. If students have been following their school materials well, they can start focusing on learning some techniques and strategies. It tests those concepts in unfamiliar ways to school materials. It is important for students to familiarize themselves with the pace and question style of the SAT Test.
The must-know secret for high SAT Math scores
The best way to achieve a high score is to take many practice tests, but doing so with the right methods. After doing numerous tests, students start to get a feel of how the test is structured. Then they can identify the different types of questions and know which mathematical methods to apply.
How to overcome challenges that depends on your score
Depending on the mathematical background of individual students, there are different types of difficulty they face in preparing for SAT Math.
Students with weak mathematic fundamentals can have difficulty with the application of math concepts in problem solving. Lack of fluency in simplifying expressions or solving equations can also be a big obstacle for some students. In this case, I believe reviewing the topics learned in prior math courses and how math concepts build on each other can improve students’ ability to use mathematical knowledge and methods.
Students with stronger fundamental math skills can still struggle with their habitual mistakes. To avoid these, they should be more aware of their common mistakes or poor habits, such as not reading carefully or misreading from unorganized work.
Advice to students who feel overwhelmed by SAT preparations
If you are struggling in math, studying the SAT Math can be a great opportunity to improve mathematical skills. Even if it seems like an endless road ahead of you, study for the SAT Test at your pace. Many people think studying mathematics is only important for math or science majors. In fact, mathematical skills are applicable to any career and life in general. Even if you end up with a low score, the time and effort invested in preparing for the Math Test will not be spent in vain.
One last word of support for test takers
The SAT is a portion of the college application process. It’s just a clue about your potential. I believe the ultimate goal of the college admissions process is finding a college that is the best fit for a student. Highly competitive schools are desired by many students but there are many options available. The admission process is only the initial stage of furthering education. As long as students consistently try their best in all aspects of their learning, their educational goals will be within their reach.
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